
上海重磅展览 | 康定斯基中国首个大型回顾展 Kandinsky, The Pioneer of Abstract Art

蓬皮杜中心 蓬皮杜中心 2022-04-21



 “抽象艺术先驱: 康定斯基” 

 2021年5月1日- 2021年9月5日 

 西岸美术馆 I 展厅3 

2021年正值“抽象绘画的先驱”康定斯基诞辰155周年,蓬皮杜中心与西岸美术馆倾力筹划,推出五年展陈合作项目的第三个特展“抽象艺术先驱:康定斯基”,全面呈现这位二十世纪艺术大师里程碑式的创作生涯。展览汇集蓬皮杜中心的重磅馆藏,包括从艺术家遗孀妮娜·康定斯基(Nina Kandinsky)对蓬皮杜中心的慷慨捐助与遗赠中臻选出的数百份画作、手稿、版画作品,诸多大师级作品将首次亮相。本次展览不仅是康定斯基于中国的首次大展,亦是迄今为止在亚洲境内最具规模的回顾展

  The Centre Pompidou × West Bund Museum  Project presents 

The Pioneer of Abstract Art, Kandinsky  

 May 1st – September 5th, 2021 | Gallery 3 

The Centre Pompidou × West Bund Museum Project presents an unprecedented Kandinsky exhibition, the very first retrospective of the artist in China, from May 1st to September 5th 2021 in Shanghai. Thanks to donations and the bequest of Nina Kandinsky, the painter’s widow, the Centre Pompidou holds the most complete collection of this artist of Russian heritage. Over the course of some hundred paintings, drawings and engravings, including many masterpieces, the exhibition traces the extraordinary development of this major figure of 20th century art.

康定斯基和妮娜在德绍的花园里,1932年 Vassily et Nina Kandinsky dans leur jardin à Dessau. Photo Anonyme, 1932 © Bibliothèque Kandinsky / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP


Color directly influences the soul. Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is a piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another purposefully, to cause vibrations in the soul.

—— 康定斯基 (Kandinsky)




Vassily Kandinsky, one of the

greatest artists & aesthetic 

theorists of the 20th century

康定斯基在塞纳河畔奈伊市的工作室里,1938年 Kandinsky dans son atelier de Neuilly-sur-Seine. Photo de Bernard Lipnitzki, 1938 © Bibliothèque Kandinsky / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

瓦西里·康定斯基(Vassily Kandinsky),20世纪最伟大的艺术家及美学理论家之一,他创立的“抽象绘画”概念不仅推动了20世纪及21世纪的艺术发展,亦深刻影响了诸多艺术家的实践以及对现代主义的认知。1911年,艺术家出版了《艺术中的精神》一书,在书中他捍卫了“有一种艺术不再是重现物质世界,而是通过抽象几何形状的和谐与不和谐,以及色彩的力量来与观众进行一场在视觉上的情感共鸣”这一理念。对他而言,绘画是用点、面、线、色彩传达精神和情感,与观众共同激起内心与精神的震荡。

瓦西里·康定斯基,《灰色》,1910-1913年,纸本炭笔,水墨,水彩画,49,6 x 64,8厘米,1981年由尼娜·康定斯基女士遗赠 蓬皮杜中心,巴黎,法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心 Vassily Kandinsky, Im Grau [Dans le gris] 1910-1913 Mine graphite, encre de Chine et aquarelle sur papier, 49,6 x 64,8 cm. Legs de Mme Nina Kandinsky, 1981. Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris Musée national d'art moderne. Centre de création industrielle Domaine public Photo © P. Migeat / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

Vassily Kandinsky entered the history of art as the founder of abstract painting. While this paternity has now been relativized, his decisive contribution to the idea of “autonomous“ art, liberated from all reference to the external world, continues to be evaluated. The artist came to painting when he was thirty years old. In 1896, the young Russian chose to study in Munich, then the centre of an artistic renewal (the Jugendstil) that was exploring an ornamental formalism. In his famous treatise Concerning the spiritual in art, and particularly in painting, Kandinsky called for a profound overthrow which, by destroying forms that imitated nature, would engage a spiritual dimension in a vibrant response to the bourgeois materialism of the 19th century.

瓦西里·康定斯基,《无题》,1910-1913年,纸本炭笔,水墨,水彩画,49,6 x 64,8厘米,1976年由尼娜·康定斯基女士遗赠。蓬皮杜中心,巴黎,法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心 Vassily Kandinsky, Sans titre (Aquarelle),1910-1913, Mine graphite, encre de Chine et aquarelle sur papier, 49,6 x 64,8 cm. Donation de Mme Nina Kandinsky en 1976 Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris Musée national d'art moderne Centre de création industrielle Domaine public Photo © A. Laurans / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

康定斯基拥有听觉与视觉的联觉通感能力,这种独特的感知让他能 “听到”颜色,并用“看到”的线条和颜色来呈现的声音,他说:“色彩是琴键,眼睛是琴锤,而心灵则是钢琴的琴弦。画家则是弹琴的手指,引发心灵的震颤。” 他将绘画作品看作一种视觉音响,是一种内心情感的扩容器,在欣赏康定斯基作品时,观者需发挥通感,聆听绘画。特展“抽象艺术先驱:康定斯基”藉由“初始:技艺研习”、“穆瑙:抽象的突破”、“俄罗斯:间奏岁月”、“包豪斯:理论年代”、“巴黎:成熟时期”五个板块涵盖了艺术家从早年创作,走向抽象到成熟等不同阶段的作品。展览将以一组康定斯基于1922年为柏林"无评委艺术展"(Juryfreie)设计的门庭壁画复原为中心,引领公众“漫步”康定斯基的画作中,开启一段身临其境的艺术畅想。此外,艺术家备受关注的影像资料、丰富的收藏以及工作室旧物等也将呈现在展览中,为公众全方位理解和欣赏这位西方艺术史上的重量级大师提供多元的线索。

瓦西里·康定斯基,《白色之上II》,1923年,布面油画,105 × 98厘米,1976年由尼娜·康定斯基女士遗赠 蓬皮杜中心,巴黎,法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心 Vassily Kandinsky, Auf Weiss II [Sur blanc II], 1923. Huile sur toile, 105 x 98 cm. Donation de Mme Nina Kandinsky en 1976, Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris. Musée national d’art moderne. Centre de création industrielle. Domaine public Photo © G. Meguerditchian / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP

The layout of the retrospective has been designed around a central piece: the reconstruction of the Entrance Hall created by Kandinsky in 1922 for the Juryfreie Kunstausstellung in Berlin. This monumental work is being presented in Asia for the first time and gives visitors the impression of being able to move about inside one the artist's paintings. The retrospective, which also includes a richly illustrated documentation room, enables the Chinese public to discover one of the most essential artists in the history of western art.




Years to Begin 

瓦西里 · 康定斯基,《歇 4》,1906年,纸板蛋彩,49 x 66厘米,1981年由妮娜 · 康定斯基女士遗赠,蓬皮杜中心,巴黎法国国家现代艺术博物馆 - 工业设计中心  Vassily Kandinsky, Lied [Chanson4], 1906. Tempera sur carton glacé, 49 x 66 cm. Legs de Mme Nina Kandinsky, 1981. Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris Musée national d'art moderne. Centre de création industrielle. Domaine public. Photo © G. Meguerditchian / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP


 Murnau, towards the abstraction 

瓦西里·康定斯基,《即兴 III 6》,1909年,布面油画,94 x 130 厘米,1976年由尼娜·康定斯基女士遗赠。蓬皮杜中心,巴黎,法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心 Vassily Kandinsky, Improvisation III 6, 1909. Huile sur toile, 94 x 130 cm. Donation de Mme Nina Kandinsky en 1976. Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris Musée national d'art moderne. Centre de création industrielle. Domaine public Photo © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP


 Russia, Years of Transition 

瓦西里·康定斯基,《在浅色背景上作画 8》,1916年,布面油画,100 x 78 厘米,1976年由尼娜·康定斯基女士遗赠 蓬皮杜中心,巴黎,法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心 Vassily Kandinsky, Bild auf hellem Grund (Tableau sur fond clair) 8, 1916. Huile sur toile, 100 x 78 cm. Donation de Mme Nina Kandinsky en 1976 Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris Musée national d'art moderne. Centre de création industrielle. Domaine public Photo © J. Faujour / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP


 Bauhaus, Years of Theory  

瓦西里·康定斯基,《无评委艺术展:虚拟门 B》,1922,水粉画,34,7 x 60  厘米,1976年由妮娜 · 康定斯基女士遗赠,蓬皮杜中心,巴黎,法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心 Vassily Kandinsky,Maquette de panneau pour l'exposition de la Juryfreie: Mur B [1922]. Gouache sur papier noir, 34,7 x 60 cm. Donation de Mme Nina Kandinsky en 1976. Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris Musée national d'art moderne. Centre de création industrielle. Domaine public Photo © J. Hyde / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP


 Paris,Years of Maturity 

瓦西里·康定斯基,《构成IX》,1936年,布面油画,113.5 x 195厘米,1939年由国家购置,蓬皮杜中心,巴黎,法国国家现代艺术博物馆-工业设计中心 Vassily Kandinsky, Composition IX, 1936. Huile sur toile113.5 x 195 cm. Achat de l'État, 1939, attribution, 1939. Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris Musée national d'art moderne. Centre de création industrielle. Domaine public Photo © P. Migeat / Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI / Dist. RMN-GP


Other Exhibition Highlights


戈鸮卣,商代晚期,上海博物馆藏 GE YOU (Wine Vessel) in owl shape ©Shanghai Museum Collection

This retrospective presents Kandinsky’s life over the course of five chapters, complemented by a prologue showcasing for the first time the Chinese and Japanese works that the artist kept with him. A selection of art reviews belonging to the painter reveals the degree to which Chinese art, particularly ancient bronzes, was present in his imagination during his final years in Paris. The exhibition is thus an opportunity for an exceptional collaboration with the Shanghai Museum, which has agreed to lend five ancient bronze objects.

商妇甗,西周早期,上海博物馆馆藏  Animal mask on Shang Fu Yan (Steamer)  © Shanghai Museum Collection







We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Centre Pompidou x West Bund Museum Project and hope you will enjoy what we have prepared for you! Stay tuned and follow our WeChat account to receive more details about the program.



2021年5月1日- 2021年9月5日

西岸美术馆 I 展厅3

The Pioneer of Abstract Art, Kandinsky

Retrospective | Shanghai

Curator: Angela Lampe

May 1st – September 5th, 2021 | Gallery 3

周二至周日 10:00 - 17:00 (16:00停止入场)


10:00 – 17:00, Tuesday to Sunday  (last admission at 16:00)

Closed on Mondays


早鸟票:85元  (即日起至4月30日)

Price: 120 RMB

Early bird tickets: 85 RMB (until April 30th)


*Click on "read more" to buy your tickets

地址 :上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2600号

Address: 2600 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai


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